Friday, March 9, 2012

Signs of Spring

Unlike up North where you can tell it's Spring from the budding flowers and returning songbirds, the signs of Spring in Florida are unique. Since we're in the subtropics the flowers bloom pretty much all year and the Mockingbirds never leave. The first Robins we might see are usually ones that have gotten drunk off fermented berries not unlike the Spring breakers we start to see this time of year.

No the true signs of Spring in Florida are the reptiles. When I start seeing anoles, skinks, and black racers darting out of the way with each step I take I know Spring is here. When I see alligators crossing busy highways in search of mates, I know Spring is here. When I start seeing articles in the paper of unscrupulous contractors preying on people who haven't lived in Florida long enough to recognize them. I know Spring is here. To survive in Florida : KNOW YOUR REPTILES.

For learning about the scaly, natural kind I recommend a visit to Gatorland. For the two legged even more venomous kind I recommend giving Greg Dawson's old consumer columns a visit:

Gatorland link :

Greg Dawson's Consumer Blog :,0,4797023.xmlfeed

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