Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sometimes I Grow Weary

Recently I was re-reading one of my favorite novels (Sethra Lavode by Stephen Brust) when

the title character made a statement I can wholeheartedly agree with: Sometime I grow

very weary." Sethra has been alive for 20,000 years while I've only been around for fifty

but our weariness is probably for the same reason: The same stupid stuff happens again

and again no matter how you prepare or what you try to do to prevent it. It is enough to

make you want to go to sleep and never wake up again.

For me, every Spring just seems like the same skipping record. Snowbirds, bikers, Spring

Breakers all come to town and do things that even a lemming would think was stupid. No

matter how many ads there are about not drinking and driving, being extra careful around

motorcycles, or avoiding certain parts of town, too many visitors to my state end up going

home injured, ripped off, or not going home at all.

I like to put up a cynical face to my friends and acquaintances but really every time I

hear one of the many tragic stories of Bike Week and Spring Break it breaks my heart. It is

easy to say those who do not learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. It is hard to

live with the fact that a lot of people aren't going to get the chance to repeat their


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